Saturday, December 11, 2010

Match 3 of Sexy in Silver #12 Result!

I lost! Anyway, here is my stuffs. I forgot to make a spire... so I lost hard.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Match 2 of SiS12 Results!

ZvT on IccupMatchpoint. Well I didn't exactly do my plan correctly due to mass amounts of anxiety leading up to the match. For some reason I had convinced myself I was going to loose this one. In any case, Jokr was a cool guy and I hope to play with him again. Here was my plan going in.

Here is the VoD.

Match 1 of SiS12 VoD

Sorry about the sound. I was waiting for the GSL to start so enjoy the Kpop and start of the GSL casters.

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Match 1 of SiS12 Results!

Well it went something like this. He tried to pylon in my base SUPER early. I then took the gold before my natural. Other then that I pretty much did what my plan was. I don't know if it was that I did well or that he had like 20 probes the whole game.....


Monday, December 6, 2010

Sexy in Silver #12

Woo!! Now I'm in a tourney!.... even if it is just a casual one. Well I guess I'll keep updates here.

My first match is Datruthz [P] on steppes of war. I hope I don't just botch this.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Firestorm Armada Models

Here are the firestorm armada models that I painted. The colors where stolen from touhou characters.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Redone strats.

So I've remade my strats to look nicer. Hope they help you get your own ideas. I know they are very similar, but the play is VERY different. By the way these are Zerg strategies.

Be it fate or fault.

Here is my first post. HUZZAH! With this post I will present the ideas of this blog. I will post some SCII stuff and some other nerdy crap. In any case I'm just going to be presenting what ever my current interest is. Today I bring to you starcraft 2.

This is my POORLY done strat for tvz on xelnaga caverns. I might post more strats, maybe not.  WE SHALL SEE!